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Our LocationSherghati Road, Gaya-823001


Dr. Arjun Choudhary
MBBS, M.S. (Opth.) Principal, A.N.M.M.C., Gaya

Anugrah Narayan Magadh Medical College & Hospital is a reputed medical college & hospital of Gaya, which was established in 1969 as a private college of MBBS and was serving the purpose of both college and Hospital. In 1978, it had been undertaken by the government and from then it changed into public institution.
Initially its name was Magadh more

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Welcome to Anugrah Narayan Magadh Medical College & Hospital

Anugrah Narayan Magadh Medical College & Hospital is a reputed medical college & Hospital of Gaya, which was established in 1969 as a private college of MBBS and was serving the purpose of both college and Hospital.







Our Facilities

The ANMMC Provides many more facilities to patients, Students, Staff & doctors.
Here all types of clinical test available.


ANMMC FacilitiesLibrary

The ANMMC Libraries provides a variety of instructional services designed to help students develop their research skills.


ANMMC FacilitiesHospital

The ANMMCH is situated at Gaya city in south Bihar. At that time there were only two medical colleges and hospital in Bihar.


ANMMC FacilitiesLecture Theatures

The ANMMC Provides Large Lecture Theaters Hall for students best learning environments. Where the students can get the best of the..


ANMMC FacilitiesHostel

ANMMC Hostel facility is available to students who have applied to programs of MBBS (Undergraduate) & Paramedical Course.


ANMMC FacilitiesCanteen

The ANMMC Provides Large Canteen Hall for students, Patients & Staff.


ANMMC FacilitiesLaborotory

Medical laboratory science professionals, often called medical laboratorians, are vital healthcare detectives..

The ANMMC Provides a big Library for Medical Students.

The ANMMC Libraries provides a variety of instructional services designed to help students develop their research skills. Instructional sessions can be customized to meet a range of learning objectives, from library orientations to advanced research concepts.